Eric Todderud
3502 Fremont Avenue North, #2
Seattle, WA 98103
Eric represents utilities, independent power producers, and industrial consumers of electricity and natural gas. He has appeared before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and numerous state regulatory commissions, including the Oregon Public Utility Commission and the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission. Representing suppliers as well as purchasers, Eric negotiates agreements for power sales and purchases, transmission services, power plant development, interconnections, and natural gas supplies. His regulatory experience includes matters involving open access transmission issues, Bonneville Power Administration policy, antitrust, utility ratemaking, PURPA, and PUHCA. Eric also has extensive litigation experience in utility contract disputes and antitrust matters.
Eric’s community service activities include presently serving on the Board of Trustees of GROW, an organization that promotes community gardens in Seattle. He previously served on the Board of Directors of CASA for Children, Inc., a charity that helps abused and neglected children in Multnomah County and Washington County, Oregon. He served on the CASA board from 1998–2006.
Lewis & Clark Law School (J.D., 1987)
The Ohio State University (B.A., 1983)
Admitted to Washington State Bar.
Admitted to Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.